How to play Graaly?

Install Graaly and launch the game

Scan the QR code to download the Graaly app (iOS / Android)
Launch the Graaly app and create your account
To start the game, scan again the same QR code in the Graaly app
How to scan the QR code?
The first time, use your usual QR code reader, either the camero on the iPhone, or an application on Android, like « QR Code Reader ».
The second time, to start the game, use the Graaly app. For that, just press the “Scan a QR code” button on the app home page.
The QR code stuck
During app installation:
It can happen that the QR code does not work. In that case, open you app store (App Store on iPhone, Google play on Android) and search for « graaly ». Then press the « Install » button.

To play your game:e
If the QR code is not recognized, you can use the Graaly search tool to find it, by typing one of the terms of the name of the game. More simplier, if you are on the game location, Graaly should propose you this game by defaut on the app home page

Can I play anonimously?
It is possible. But your score will not be saved, and you will not be allowed to subscribe to game creators and follow their future creations, or to challenge your friens!

Play a Graaly escape game

Use the buttons to navigate between enigmas, display hints, and use inventory objects
Play enigmas by using hints you found during the game
Find hidden QR codes and look at augmented reality characters or objects
The jigsaw puzzle stuck
On some smartphones, it can occur that the jigsaw pieces are not movable with drag and drop. You can activate the alternative mode, and so click on a piece and on its destination to move it.
The augmented reality object is not displayed
We work hard to adapt Graaly app to the 16.000 smartphone models, by creating alternative features. If an issue occurs, we advise you to pass to the next step, and to contact us to give your smartphone model.
What can I do if I have the "Waiting for other players" message?
You need the other players of your team make an action or solve a puzzle, to continue the game. If the other players do not succeed, do not hesitate to help them, or look at the clues.

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